Sunday, March 30, 2014

Dear Yom Yom bloggers!

There has been a long absence of postings on this blog—it looks from the dates on the posts like about a year, in fact.

Just the other day my wife and I were having lunch with old friends, who happen also to have been following this blog. One of them asked me, "Are  you going to continue your Bible Study blog?" I was embarrassed, in a way, by this question. But I thought it was a very justified one, and I answered, "Yes, I know there has been a lacuna of about a year, but I believe I will try to resume it now."

So here is the fulfillment of that promise.

Recently, I have been studying the Book of Genesis, and focused on the second half of the book, the narratives about the Hebrew patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Jacob's sons. So I will resume this blog with Genesis 12, the account of the calling of Abraham by God. That leaves 38 chapters until the book ends after chapter 50. Fifty sessions, each covering a chapter.

I hope that you are eager once again to study God's Word together with me, and I pray that we will all learn much from the study that will enrich both our understanding of the Bible and our personal relationship with God.

Your friend,


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